Community Events

Our chapter likes to host monthly events that are open to all moms and kids in the community. There is no pressure to join and they are all free. We just love meeting new moms and making new friends.

What can you expect when you come to a community social? 

First, friendly moms! We will be easy to spot because we will have yard signs and many of us have MOMS Club shirts so you know you are in the right place. Sometimes we have name tags for everyone to wear because remembering new names can be tricky when you are trying to keep your kids from eating the sand on the playground. 

Second, all of our community events are held in public spaces. Sometimes we have games, crafts, or snacks to keep the kids entertained, and sometimes we just enjoy the park. 

Third, these events also serve as our "business meetings". We take about 10 minutes to discuss our budget (members decide where their dues go), upcoming activities, service projects, welcome new members and visitors, and every now and then hold a raffle. 

Forth, we are friendly, warm, and welcoming mothers who get what motherhood is like.  We pride ourselves on being a no judgment, no guilt, come as you are, celebrate our differences, kind of club!

If you have any questions about socials or MOMS Club in general we would love to answer them. 

You can find our community events on our Facebook page at: